This here, it’s about that 99 Suzuki SV650. Yeah, that one. My neighbor’s boy, he had one. Always tinkering with it, making it roar. Says it’s a good bike. Me? I don’t know nothin’ ’bout these things. But I hear things, see?

99 Suzuki SV650: A Complete Guide for Buyers and Owners

They say this Suzuki, the SV650, it’s from 1999, that old. But still runs, I reckon. That boy, he used to ride it all over. Said it got good… uh… mileage? Is that the word? Like, it don’t drink up all the gas. He said ’bout 40-45 miles for a gallon. Don’t mean much to me, I use my two feet mostly.

He used to talk about the “power” and the “engine.” Said it’s a V-Twin. Sounds fancy, huh? I just know it’s loud. He’d rev it up, and the whole darn house would shake. And he’s sayin that between 3,000 to 5,000 “rpm,” that’s when she really goes. Whatever that means.

He said it handles real good. Like a… like a good mule, I guess. Stays where you point it. He used to lean it way over in the turns. Scared the daylights outta me, watchin’ him. But he always came back in one piece, so I reckon it’s alright.

  • It’s a Suzuki, that much I know.
  • SV650, that’s the name.
  • 1999, that’s old, but they still run.
  • V-Twin engine, somethin’ fancy.
  • Gets good gas mileage, they say.

Now, if you’re lookin’ to buy one of these things, I hear there’s a book for it. A manual, they call it. Supposed to tell you everything about it. How to fix it, how to ride it. Probably got pictures and all. That boy had one for his. Kept it greasy, just like him. There are lots of pages, over 400. It tells you how to keep it runnin’ good. That’s important, right? Keepin’ things runnin’ right. That is Suzuki SV650 99 service manual thing.

You can probably find it somewhere, this book. Maybe online? I don’t know how that computer stuff works. But I hear folks talkin’ ’bout it. Sayin’ you can download it, like gettin’ it outta thin air. Seems like magic to me. But hey, if it helps you keep your Suzuki SV650 runnin’, then why not?

99 Suzuki SV650: A Complete Guide for Buyers and Owners

I seen that boy lookin’ at his book, then lookin’ at his bike. Back and forth, back and forth. Must be somethin’ important in there. He said it is the owner’s manual. Maybe it’s got some secrets, I don’t know. You can download it, somewhere. Maybe. I’m not sure.

Now, this SV650, it comes in different kinds, I think. One’s just called SV650, and the other’s got an “S” on the end. SV650S. Don’t ask me what the difference is. Maybe one’s got more chrome. Or maybe one’s louder than the other. Lord knows they’re both loud enough. The manual, it got info for both, I think.

That boy, he could ride that thing like the wind. Said it was “fun.” I wouldn’t know. I prefer to keep my feet on solid ground. But he seemed to enjoy it. He rode it for many years. Said it was a good bike. A reliable bike. Like a good pair of boots. Lasts you a long time if you take care of it. This is a good bike, you know, it is 99 Suzuki SV650.

So, if you’re thinkin’ ’bout gettin’ one of these 99 Suzuki SV650 things, I reckon it’s alright. Just be careful, you hear? And get that book. The manual. It might just save your hide. Or at least keep that noisy thing runnin’.

There is a book, a big book for this bike. It can tell you how to fix it, if it’s broken. You need that book, if you have this bike, the 99 Suzuki SV650. There’s another book, it’s about how to ride it. Good to know, I guess. Keep you from fallin’ off, maybe.

99 Suzuki SV650: A Complete Guide for Buyers and Owners

This bike, it’s got a good… thump, they say. Like a heartbeat. Vroom, vroom. Makes the ground shake a little. And it looks good, too. Shiny. At least, it was when it was new. That boy, he kept his pretty clean. Always washin’ and polishin’. Like a prized pig at the county fair.

They say it is a good bike, for a good price. Not too much money. Like gettin’ a good deal on a used plow. You get what you pay for, but sometimes, you get a little more. This is that kind, I think. The 99 suzuki SV650, that is. It is a good deal.

  • You can find that manual book online, maybe.
  • The bike has a good thump.
  • It’s a good deal, they say.
  • It handles good, like a mule.
  • Two kinds, SV650 and SV650S.

If you get one, be sure to wear a helmet. That boy always did. Said it was important. Like wearin’ a hat in the sun. Keeps your head safe. And watch out for cars. They don’t always see you on that little thing. Be careful out there. Ride safe.

That’s all I know about that 99 Suzuki SV650. Heard it from that boy. He’s gone now, moved to the city. But that bike, it’s still around. Still makin’ noise. Still runnin’ strong. Like an old woman, I guess. Still got some life in it. Just gotta take care of it. That’s the key.


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