Man, let me tell you about this whole “Jim Head” thing I got into. I was just screwing around online, right? And I stumbled upon this name, Jim Head. I was like, “Who the heck is this dude?” So I started digging.

Turns out, this Jim Head guy is some big shot jazz guitarist from Canada. Who knew? Not me, that’s for sure. Apparently, he’s even been up for one of those Juno awards, which I guess is a pretty big deal up there in the Great White North. Anyway, I started looking into where this guy hung out.
It seems like he spent a lot of time in this city called Edmonton. They’ve got a pretty hot jazz scene there, apparently. And there’s this club called the Yardbird Suite that he plays at a lot. I’m not a huge jazz fan myself, but I gotta admit, it sounds kind of cool.
So then, I wanted to know more about this Jim Head character’s background. This dude was born in Alberta, Canada. Then studied at some fancy place called McGill University and worked in Montreal for a while. Typical musician story, right?
I was really curious about what this guy’s music was like. Turns out, this guy put out an album called “Mind’s Eye”. It’s got all his own tunes on it. And he plays with these other guys, Jim Vivian on bass and Owen Howard on drums. I guess those guys are pretty good, too. I mean, they’re playing with Jim Head, right?
And the fun didn’t stop there. He’s got another album that he made with these other Canadian jazz folks. Kelly Jefferson plays saxophone, some dude named Chris Andrew plays piano, and there’s another guy, Rmi-Jean LeBlanc, on bass.

But here’s where it gets really wild. I found out there’s ANOTHER Jim Head who’s some sort of Texan. What are the chances? I guess it’s a small world, or maybe Jim Head is just a more common name than I thought.
Anyways, that’s my deep dive into the world of Jim Head. From jazz guitarist to maybe a Texan dude, it was a wild ride. Just goes to show you, you never know what you’re gonna find when you start poking around on the internet.
Here are some funny things I found about this dude:
- Juno-nominee. Sounds like he’s a big deal.
- Edmonton. That’s where the jazz scene is at, apparently.
- Yardbird Suite. That’s his favorite club, it seems.
- McGill University. Where he learned to play so good.
- Mind’s Eye. That’s his first album.
- Chris Andrew. Plays piano with him.
- Texan. There’s another Jim Head!
It’s pretty interesting how one name can lead you down so many different paths. This jazz dude’s life seemed pretty cool. Maybe I’ll even check out his music sometime. Who knows, maybe I’ll become a jazz fan after all. This whole experience has taught me to keep an open mind and to always be curious about what’s out there. You just never know what you might discover.