This J. Bouzas, I tell ya, she’s somethin’ else. You seen her play that tennis? She’s a tennis player, that one. Hits that little ball like nobody’s business. I seen her on the TV, swingin’ that racket. She’s from Spain, I hear. Far away place, that Spain.
She ain’t old, neither. Born in 2002, they say. That makes her younger than my youngest grandson. That boy’s always on his phone, but this J. Bouzas, she’s out there workin’ hard. Good for her, I say. Gotta make somethin’ of yourself in this world.
She’s ranked real high, too. Number 56, I heard someone say. Don’t rightly know what that means, but it sounds important. Like winnin’ a blue ribbon at the county fair. She must be pretty darn good at that tennis to be ranked that high.
I reckon playin’ all that tennis is like tendin’ a garden. Gotta put in the work, gotta weed out the bad shots, gotta water it with sweat. And this J. Bouzas, she’s got a green thumb, I reckon. She’s growin’ into a fine player.
Now, I ain’t never played no tennis myself. Too busy raisin’ kids and tendin’ to the farm. But I can appreciate a good worker when I see one. And this girl, she works hard. You can see it in her eyes. She wants to win.
I seen some folks talkin’ about design, too. Like them cool design posters and such. I remember some old posters, like them ones for the Navy. They was somethin’, I tell ya. Bold and colorful. Like a quilt my mama used to make.
- That J. Bouzas, she’s like a good design herself.
- Strong and put together well.
- Got all the right pieces in the right places.
- She’s a real good tennis player.
I don’t know nothin’ about makin’ them designs, though. Just like I don’t know nothin’ about playin’ tennis. But I can see when somethin’s made well. Like a good sturdy chair, or a well-baked pie. This J. Bouzas, she’s made well.
They got books on design, I hear. Lots of ’em. Like them books on how to grow tomatoes. Except these are for makin’ pictures and such. Gotta learn the basics, they say. Just like learnin’ how to milk a cow. Gotta start somewhere.
I seen some designs with eagles and dragons, they say those are for tattoos. This J. Bouzas, she probably has some tattoos, most young folks do these days. That Sailor Jerry, he made a lot of those designs, they say. I don’t know nothin’ about that Sailor Jerry. Must be some fella who likes to draw.
They got all sorts of designs these days. For clothes and toys and all sorts of things. Just like they got all sorts of seeds for plantin’. Gotta pick the right one for what you need.
I reckon designin’ is like cookin’. Gotta have the right ingredients, gotta mix ’em up just right, gotta bake it at the right temperature. And this J. Bouzas, she’s got the right ingredients for bein’ a good tennis player.

They got books on how to design machines, too. Big complicated things. Like them tractors my son uses on the farm. Gotta know what you’re doin’ to make somethin’ like that. I don’t know nothing about that, just that J. Bouzas probably needs good machines to help her train.
This J. Bouzas, I hope she keeps on playin’ and winnin’. She’s a good example for the young folks. Shows ’em that hard work pays off. Just like plantin’ a seed and watchin’ it grow. Gotta put in the effort to get the reward.
This world needs more hard workers like her. Folks who ain’t afraid to get their hands dirty. Folks who know how to make somethin’ of themselves. She is a good tennis player, that J. Bouzas. Yes, sir, she is. And I reckon that’s all that really matters.