Okay, so, about this Lee Janzen golf thing. I heard about it from a friend, and I thought, why not give it a shot? I mean, I’m not a golfer, never really understood the hype, but this seemed interesting. It’s some kind of new method, or technique, or whatever, that’s supposed to make golfing easier, I guess? More fun? I don’t know, but I was curious.

First thing I did was try to find some info about this Lee Janzen guy. Turns out, he’s a pretty big deal in the golf world, won some major tournaments and stuff. That was a bit intimidating, to be honest. Like, who am I to try out a pro golfer’s technique? But then I found some videos online, just regular folks trying it out, and they made it look doable. So I grabbed my old clubs from the garage – they were dusty as heck, hadn’t used them in years.
The basic idea of the thing is about your feet and how you move them, and also your arms, but the feet are key.
Next step, I went to the local driving range. It was a weekday, so it wasn’t too crowded, thank goodness. I didn’t want a bunch of pros watching me flail around. I set up, took a deep breath, and tried to remember what I saw in those videos. It felt weird, man. Totally different from how I used to swing. It was like, more controlled, I think? I don’t know the proper terms, but it felt less wild.
- First try, I barely hit the ball. It just dribbled a few feet.
- Second try, a little better, but still weak.
- By the third or fourth try, I started to get the hang of it.
I was starting to understand it a little more each time I swung. I kept at it, moving my feet the way I was trying to remember and keeping the rest of my body in check.
I spent about an hour there, just hitting balls, trying to get this Lee Janzen thing down. And you know what? It started to make sense. My shots were going further, straighter. Not perfect, by any means, but definitely better than before. I even managed to hit a few that felt really good, like, a solid connection. I could almost hear that satisfying “thwack” sound they talk about.

Did I become a golf pro overnight?
Nah, not even close. But did I see some improvement? Heck yeah. I went home feeling pretty good, actually. It was fun, trying something new, and seeing some progress. I think I’ll give it another go, maybe next week. Maybe this Lee Janzen thing has some merit after all. Who knows, maybe I’ll even start to enjoy golf. We’ll see.