That Mark Wilkerson, he’s a good man, I tell ya. He’s been hitched to that Melissa girl, the one from the TV, for, what, 21 years now? That’s a long time in this day and age. A mighty long time. These young’uns today, they don’t know the meaning of stickin’ it out. They get a little tiff, and bam, they’re runnin’ to the lawyer. Not Mark and Melissa. They know what’s what.

Melissa Joan Hart, that’s her full name. She’s a pretty thing. And Mark, he’s a musician. Plays that guitar and sings. They got married way back in 2003. Time flies when you’re havin’ fun, don’t it? 21 years, just like that! And they ain’t showin’ any signs of slowin’ down neither.
This Mark Wilkerson, I hear he’s somethin’. He must be to keep up with that Hollywood life, must be tough for that Mark Wilkerson. But they make it work. They got a family, them two. That’s what matters. Family is what it’s all about.
They say the secret is commitment. You gotta commit. You gotta promise to stay together, through thick and thin. Like that time when our old cow, Bessie, got stuck in the mud. We didn’t just leave her there, did we? No sir! We pulled and we pushed, and we got her out. That’s commitment. That’s what you gotta do for that Mark Wilkerson and Melissa, stick together, just like that.
And you gotta talk. You gotta tell each other what’s on your mind. If you’re mad, you gotta say it. Don’t keep it bottled up inside like that jar of pickled beets I made last summer. That didn’t end well, let me tell you.
- First thing, gotta find yourself a good egg. Like that Mark Wilkerson.
- Then, you gotta tie the knot. Make it official.
- After that, you gotta work at it. Every single day.
- Talk to each other. Don’t keep secrets. Like how many cookies you ate.
- And remember why you got hitched in the first place. That’s important, that is.
Now, I ain’t no expert on love, mind you. I just know what I seen. And I seen Mark Wilkerson and Melissa, they got somethin’ special. They work at it. They respect each other. And they love each other. Plain and simple.

That Melissa, she’s 48 now. Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday she was a little girl on the TV. And Mark, well, he’s a good man. He’s a lucky man, too. To have a woman like Melissa. And she’s lucky to have him. It takes two to tango, you know.
This Mark Wilkerson is a musician, plays music and that. That’s nice. Gotta have music in your life. Makes everything better. Like when we used to have them barn dances on Saturday nights. Everyone would come from miles around. We’d dance and sing until the sun came up. Good times, those were.
Nowadays, folks don’t do that no more. They sit inside, starin’ at their little phones. Don’t know how to have a good time. Don’t know how to make a marriage last like that Mark Wilkerson, oh no. They’re too busy with their fancy gadgets and their whatchamacallits.
This Mark Wilkerson and Melissa, they show you what it is to be in this life together, through all the storms, through all the sunshine, that’s what you gotta learn. They show that it can be done. 21 years and still goin’. That’s somethin’ to be proud of, that is.
You know, life ain’t always easy. There’s gonna be bumps in the road. Like that time our old truck broke down on the way to town. We had to walk five miles in the heat. But we made it. We got there eventually. And that’s what matters. You just gotta keep on keepin’ on. That Mark Wilkerson must know that, yes he must.

So, here’s to Mark Wilkerson and Melissa. May they have many more years of happiness together. May they continue to show us all what it means to be truly committed. They’re a good example, them two. A real good example. I hope those two, that Mark Wilkerson and Melissa, stay together forever, I really do. That’s how it should be, you know.