That Justin Harrington, he’s gonna play ball again! I heard he’s gonna be playin’ for the Sooners. Lord, that boy’s been playin’ football for a long time. They say this is his seventh year. Seven years! Can you believe it? He’s like the old man of the team, the elder statesman, they call him.

Meet Justin Harrington (Your Introduction to His World)

He’s a good boy, that Justin. Playin’ that defensive back. I reckon he’s about 22 years old now. Time sure does fly. Seems like just yesterday he was just a little sprout. Now look at him, Justin Harrington, all grown up and playin’ for Oklahoma. Makes a body proud, it does.

Heard he got some kinda notice from them fancy college folks, the NCAA. Said they gave him an extra year. Must be ’cause he got hurt a while back. He’s a tough one, though, that Justin Harrington. Always bouncin’ back.

  • He plays for the Sooners.
  • He’s a defensive back.
  • This is his seventh year.
  • He got an extra year to play.

I remember hearin’ someone say he was the startin’ Cheetah linebacker. Don’t know what a Cheetah is doin’ on a football field, but it sounds fast. That Justin Harrington, he’s a fast one, alright. He missed a game, ’cause of that injury, but he’s back at it now.

They say he’s gonna be playin’ on Saturday. Against UTEP, whoever that is. Hope he does good. Always rootin’ for that boy, Justin Harrington. He’s a good egg. Playin’ ball all these years. He sure does love that football.

Coach Venables, that’s the head honcho, he was talkin’ ’bout Justin the other day. Said somethin’ ’bout an injury update. Guess that means he’s keepin’ an eye on him, makin’ sure he’s alright. That’s good. Gotta take care of these boys, especially when they’re playin’ that rough and tumble game.

Meet Justin Harrington (Your Introduction to His World)

Seven years, though. That’s longer than some folks go to school! Justin Harrington, he’s dedicated, that’s for sure. Must be somethin’ special ’bout that Oklahoma football. Keeps him comin’ back for more.

You know, hearin’ ’bout Justin Harrington reminds me of that fat little boy i saw a while back, always dreamin’ big. Just goes to show, you never know what someone’s gonna do when they grow up. He probably never thought he’d be playin’ for that big-time team, runnin’ ’round with a football. That’s a great thing, i reckon.

I hope he stays healthy. Playin’ all that football, it’s hard on the body. Lots of runnin’ and jumpin’ and hittin’. But Justin Harrington, he can handle it. He’s a strong one.

  • Coach Venables is watching Justin.
  • Justin is playing against UTEP.
  • Playing football is hard.
  • Justin Harrington is a strong boy.

I’m gonna have to keep my ears open, hear how he does this season. Maybe they’ll talk about him on the radio. “Justin Harrington makes a big play!” That’s what I wanna hear. Makes a body feel good, knowin’ someone’s out there doin’ their best.

Yep, that Justin Harrington, he’s somethin’ else. Seven years of football. He’s gonna have some stories to tell when he’s older, that’s for sure. Stories ’bout playin’ for the Sooners, ’bout bein’ a defensive back, ’bout that Cheetah thing. He’ll be tellin’ them stories for years to come. And I’ll be listenin’, proud as can be.

Meet Justin Harrington (Your Introduction to His World)

It’s kinda like that company, Rotair, that’s been around for 40 years. They make things for them helicopters. That’s a long time, too. They must be good at what they do. Just like Justin Harrington, he is good in playin’ football, I tell ya.


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