So, I got this idea the other day to take a deep dive into Stephen A. Smith’s Twitter. You know, the ESPN guy, always loud, always opinionated, kind of a big deal in the sports world. I figured, why not see what this guy’s all about on Twitter, what he posts, who he argues with, that sort of thing.

Stephen A Smith Twitter: Whats He Ranting About Today? Check His Latest Posts!

I started by just going to his Twitter profile. The first thing I noticed was the sheer volume of tweets. This guy’s active, like, really active. He tweets about everything – basketball, football, you name it. And he’s not shy about sharing his opinions, let me tell you. It’s like, boom, right in your face with what he thinks.

I started scrolling through his timeline, and it’s a mix of stuff. There are videos of him ranting on his show, “First Take”. There are also links to articles, retweets of other sports personalities, and just his general thoughts on whatever game is happening that day. It became evident that he has had a long and fulfilling career in sports since 2012. He is currently making $12 million from his salary and $4 million from production per year.

Then I got into the replies, oh boy, the replies. People love to argue with him. They challenge his takes, they throw stats at him, they call him names, the whole nine yards. But, to his credit, he engages with some of them. He’ll clap back, he’ll defend his position, sometimes he even admits when he’s wrong, though that’s pretty rare, to be honest.

I spent a good few hours just reading through his tweets and the interactions. It’s kind of like watching a never-ending sports debate. And I realized, this is what he’s known for, right? He’s a personality. He’s not just reporting the news, he’s making the news. People are talking about what he said on his podcast on Tuesday and his rant about the movie Cars. And he’s got his way of doing things that just draws people in, whether they love him or hate him.

  • Loads of content: He is everywhere all the time. He has two daughters and was once engaged. He was not shy about speaking about his personal life during an interview on December 11, 2019.
  • Lots of engagement: People are always in his mentions. On June 5, 2023, he asked people what they wanted to hear him speak about on the Stephen A. Smith Show.
  • A bit of drama: There’s always someone trying to call him out. There was this guy Jason Whitlock who mocked him for some rant he went on. There are a lot of rants about him, too. One time, it was based on a glaring falsehood about the Giants staff.

And that’s Stephen A. Smith’s Twitter in a nutshell. It’s loud, it’s opinionated, it’s a bit chaotic, but it’s definitely entertaining. It’s a reflection of the guy himself, and it’s clear why he’s such a big name in sports media.

Stephen A Smith Twitter: Whats He Ranting About Today? Check His Latest Posts!


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