Well, let me tell ya ’bout this here Concession Golf Club down in Florida. It ain’t just any ol’ golf course, no sirree. They say it’s a real fancy place, a “championship” one, whatever that means. Sounded mighty important, though, so I figured I’d share what I heard.

This place, it started up back in 2006. Folks called it the “Best New Private Course” by some magazine, Golf Digest, I think it was. Imagine that! Brand spankin’ new and already the best. Musta cost a pretty penny to build, that’s for sure. It’s down in Bradenton, Florida, where the weather’s always nice and warm, not like up here where it gets colder than a well digger’s butt in January.
Now, this ain’t no place for just anybody. It’s what they call “ultra-exclusive.” That means only the richy-rich folks can go playin’ there. I heard tell it costs a whole MILLION dollars just to join! Can you believe that? A million dollars! Shoot, with that kind of money, I could buy a whole herd of cows and a brand new tractor, maybe even two! They call that million-dollar fee a “membership initiation fee,” sounds mighty fancy, don’t it?
- They got this thing called the Shell Bay Club too, down in South Florida. It’s real fancy too, with a course that’s supposed to be world-class, whatever that means, and all sorts of fancy fixin’s. And wouldn’t ya know it, it costs a cool million just to get in the door there too.
- But this Concession place, it’s somethin’ special. A fella named Bruce Cassidy, he’s the big boss there now. Used to be in the coal minin’ business, way up north. Made a whole heap of money diggin’ that coal, I reckon. He bought the place from some fella named Kevin Daves back in 2009. Seems like Mr. Cassidy likes golfin’ more than diggin’ coal these days.
Mr. Cassidy, he’s got big plans for this Concession Golf Club. He wants to have those PGA Championship fellas come play there in 2031. That’s a big deal, from what I hear. All the best golfers in the world would come down to Florida, playin’ on Mr. Cassidy’s course. He’s waitin’ to hear if they’ll let him do it, but I bet he’s got his fingers crossed. He even built himself a “dream house” right there on the course. Must be nice to wake up every mornin’ and look out at them fancy green hills.
They say the course is somethin’ else. Lush landscapes, they call it. That just means it’s real pretty, with lots of trees and grass and water. The golf course wasn’t always like that though. It took a lot of work, and a lot of coal money I guess, to make it what it is today. Mr. Cassidy, he sure turned that lump of coal into somethin’ special. He really made the Concession Golf Club into a real gem. He’s got a big, fancy house right there on the property, a “dream house” folks call it.
So, if you ever find yourself down in Bradenton, Florida, and you got a spare million dollars lyin’ around, you might want to check out this Concession Golf Club. Just don’t expect to see me there. I’ll be here, tendin’ to my chickens and garden, where a dollar still buys a good cup of coffee and a friendly chat. But it’s nice to hear about how the other half lives, ain’t it? All that luxury and golf… makes you wonder if they ever get their hands dirty.

Anyways, that’s the story of the Concession Golf Club as best as I can tell it. A fancy place for fancy folks, built on coal money and a dream. And who knows, maybe one day them PGA fellas will be playin’ there, makin’ it even more famous. But for now, it’s just a story I heard, and now you heard it too.
Now, playing golf, that seems like a waste of a good day to me. I mean, walkin’ around hittin’ a little white ball? I’d rather be tendin’ to my garden or bakin’ a pie. But those rich folks, they got their ways, and I got mine. And that’s just fine. It takes all kinds to make a world, I always say. And this world, it’s got all kinds of golf courses too, I reckon, but this one, the Concession Golf Club, well, it sure sounds like somethin’ special.
You know, it’s funny how things work out. Mr. Cassidy, diggin’ coal up north, then endin’ up with a fancy golf course down south. Life’s got a funny way of twistin’ and turnin’, just like a country road. But he seems happy enough, livin’ in his dream house and watchin’ folks play golf on his land. And I reckon that’s all that matters. He turned a coal business into a beautiful golf club down in Florida. The place sounds mighty fine, but it’s just not for the likes of me. I’ll stick to my own little piece of land, thank you very much.
So there ya have it, the story of the Concession Golf Club in Florida. It ain’t my kind of place, but it’s a story worth tellin’, I reckon. A fancy place with a fancy history, built by a fella who used to dig coal for a livin’. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got chores to do. Them chickens ain’t gonna feed themselves, you know.