That Facu Bagnis, oh, he’s a good boy. A good tennis player, that’s what he is. Playin’ tennis all day long, you know. He’s from Argentina, same place as that Messi fella, I reckon. That’s a long way from here, ain’t it?

He’s been playing for a long time, I hear. Wins lots of them games, too. They call ’em “Challengers.” He won, like, 17 of those, maybe more. Sounds like a whole heap to me! My old bones could never win that many. I can barely chase the chickens around the yard anymore.
They say he’s got some number next to his name. Like, number 55 or somethin’. I don’t rightly know what that means, but it sounds important. Must be how good you are at hittin’ that little ball. He was that number back in, when was it… 2016, they said. Time flies when you’re having fun, I always say, even if it’s hard on your back!
- He won some doubles thing too, in a place called Stuttgart.
- Double, or triple, it sounds like a lot of running.
- He must be real tired after all that runnin’ around.
This Facu Bagnis, he’s got a whole bunch of titles. Twenty-two, they say! Imagine that. More titles than I got grandkids, and I got a lot of grandkids! What are titles, anyway? Sounds fancy. Like them fancy hats the city folks wear. I prefer my old sun hat, keeps the sun outta my eyes just fine.
They got all this information about him, you know. On the, what do they call it, the “bio.” Says all about him, where he’s from, how old he is. Born in 1990, that makes him, let’s see… younger than my youngest, that’s for sure. He’s from a place called Rosario, in Santa Fe. Sounds like a nice place. Probably got lots of sunshine, good for playing tennis.
He plays in them big games, they call ’em “ATP Finals.” Sounds real important. Like the county fair, but with tennis instead of pie contests. He was in one just recently, in a place called Cordoba. Back in February, it was. February 2024. That’s just a little while ago. I remember February, it was cold here. Hope it was warmer there for that young Facu Bagnis.

They got his whole life story on that thing, the computer. All his games, who he played against, who he won against, who he lost to. It’s all there. Like keepin’ track of your eggs. How many you got, how many hatched, how many the fox got. It’s all numbers, ain’t it? Life’s just a bunch of numbers.
- They got videos of him too, playin’ tennis.
- Moving around like a rabbit in a cabbage patch.
- Quick as a wink, that one.
This Facu Bagnis, he’s a big deal in that tennis world. I don’t understand it all, but I know he’s good. You gotta be good to win all them games, all them titles. Takes hard work, I reckon. Like tendin’ a garden. You gotta put in the work if you want somethin’ good to come out of it. He must be puttin’ in a lot of work, that Facu Bagnis.
I seen pictures of him. He looks like a nice young man. Probably got a good mama, teachin’ him right from wrong. That’s important, you know. Bein’ good at somethin’ is one thing, but bein’ a good person, that’s what really matters. Just like my mama used to say, “It ain’t what you do, it’s how you do it.”
So, this Facu Bagnis, he’s a tennis player. A good one. From Argentina. Wins a lot of games. Got a lot of titles. Number 55, once upon a time. Plays in them big “ATP” things. He has won 22 titles. That’s all I know. And that’s probably more than I need to know about tennis. Now, where’d I put my darn knitting needles? I got a sock to finish, and it ain’t gonna knit itself.
He is a professional tennis player. It is a tough job. You need to keep fit.

He got a coach, too, I reckon. Someone tellin’ him what to do, how to hit that ball. Like a sheepdog herdin’ the sheep. You need someone to guide you, sometimes. Even when you’re good at somethin’, you can always learn more. That’s what I always say. You’re never too old to learn, even if your bones ache and your eyesight’s goin’.