Bajas y Altas en Cruz Azul: What’s the Fuss About?

Bajas y Altas en Cruz Azul: A Rollercoaster Season for the Team

Alright, listen up, y’all. Let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this Cruz Azul team. They been havin’ a time of it, lemme tell ya. Ups and downs, like a rollercoaster, but mostly downs lately, if ya ask me. They call it “bajas y altas,” fancy talk for winnin’ and losin’, I reckon.

This past season, the Apertura 2023, was a real stinker. A real dog’s breakfast, as my old man used to say. They couldn’t win a game if their lives depended on it, seemed like. Just throwin’ money away, that’s what it was. Seventeen games, and nothin’ to show for it but a whole lotta heartache for the fans, I betcha.

  • The Bad Times (Bajas): Now, when things go bad, folks start pointin’ fingers. They say this player’s no good, that player’s too old, and the coach don’t know his behind from a hole in the ground. And sometimes, they’re right, ya know? Players come and go, that’s the way it is. Some get old, some get lazy, some just ain’t good enough. And then they gotta go. They gotta pack their bags and find a new team, or maybe just hang up their cleats altogether.
  • The Good Times (Altas): But then, sometimes, things look up. They get a new player, a young fella full of energy and ready to run. Or maybe an old hand, someone who’s been around the block and knows how to win. And the coach, he might figure somethin’ out, change the way they play, get ’em workin’ together like a well-oiled machine. And then, boom, they start winnin’ again. The fans go wild, cheerin’ and hollerin’, and everybody’s happy. For a while, anyway.

So, what’s the deal with Cruz Azul right now? Well, they sayin’ there’s gonna be changes. Big changes. They gotta do somethin’, that’s for sure. Can’t just keep doin’ the same old thing and expect different results, that’s the definition of crazy, ain’t it? Heard they might get rid of some fellas, the ones that ain’t pullin’ their weight. Send ’em packin’, show ’em the door. And they talkin’ about bringin’ in some new blood, some fresh legs, someone who can score some goals and win some games.

Now, I don’t know all the ins and outs of it. I ain’t no expert, just a regular person watchin’ from the sidelines. But I know this: Cruz Azul is a big team, with a lotta history. They got fans all over the place, folks who love ’em win or lose. But even the most loyal fans get tired of losin’. They want to see their team win, they want to have somethin’ to cheer about.

So, these “bajas y altas,” they’re just part of the game, I guess. Part of life, even. You win some, you lose some. But you gotta keep fightin’, gotta keep tryin’. And that’s what I hope Cruz Azul does. I hope they get their act together, find some good players, and start winnin’ some games again. Give the fans somethin’ to be proud of.

Bajas y Altas en Cruz Azul: A Rollercoaster Season for the Team

They’re talkin’ about the Clausura 2025 already. That’s a ways off, but time flies, you know? They gotta figure out who’s stayin’ and who’s goin’. Gotta make some tough decisions. It ain’t easy, bein’ in charge of a team like that. Got all that pressure, all them expectations. But that’s what they signed up for, I reckon.

And the fans, well, they just gotta wait and see. Hope for the best, I guess. That’s all we can do, ain’t it? Cross our fingers and hope that next season is better than this one. Hope that Cruz Azul can climb back up, get back to winnin’, and make everybody forget about this mess of a season. It ain’t gonna be easy, but it’s possible. Anything’s possible, if you put your mind to it.

So, that’s the story, as far as I can tell. Ups and downs, comin’s and goin’s. That’s football for ya. And that’s Cruz Azul. Let’s just hope they have more ups than downs in the future. That’s all anyone wants, ain’t it?

This Liga MX thing, it’s a tough league. Competitive as all get-out. You gotta be on your toes, gotta be ready for anything. And Cruz Azul, they gotta prove they can hang with the best of ‘em. They gotta show they got what it takes to win. And I reckon they will. They just need a little time, a little luck, and maybe a few new players, too.

So there you have it. Bajas y altas, the story of Cruz Azul. And the story of life, if you think about it. Just gotta keep on keepin’ on, right? That’s the only way to do it.

Bajas y Altas en Cruz Azul: A Rollercoaster Season for the Team


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