This here talk of the town is all about them Cavs trading. My old ears, they hear a lot, you know. Folks sayin’ this and that about them basketball boys. Some fellas just became… became able to be traded. Trade-eligible, I reckon that’s the word the young’uns use. Sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus to me, but whatever.

They got until, what was it, December 6th? Some date like that to be switchin’ around players. Like we switch chickens at the market, but this here is the NBA. Cavaliers, they need to make some changes. That’s what my old bones are tellin me. Them boys are alright, but they need something extra. They playing ain’t good enough. It’s like a farmer with a field, the land’s there, but the crops ain’t growin’ like they should.
That fella, Dan Gilbert, he’s the one who’s been ownin’ the team for a long time. Since way back in 2005. That’s a long time to be puttin’ up with these Cavs trading shenanigans. He’s got more money than sense, I reckon. Pays them boys a heap of money, that’s for sure. They got some fellas on the team. Mitchell, that’s one. And Garland. And Mobley and Allen. They got a lot of money. A lot of money for the next season. Like, 94 million! Can you believe that? That’s a lot of eggs to sell. Cavs, they need to do something.
Now, there’s this talk about this one fella, Niang, I think it is? Or Wade. Folks sayin’ they might be traded. It’s like a game of musical chairs, that’s what it is. Everyone’s scared the music’s gonna stop and they ain’t gonna have a place to sit. This Cavs trading is like that. Just like that. Who knows who’s gonna be left standin’ when the dust settles.
And don’t you think for a second that they’re gonna trade that Donovan Mitchell. Nope. Not gonna happen. He’s like the rooster in the henhouse. You don’t get rid of the rooster unless you got a real good reason. He’s good. I hear people sayin’ he’s real good. They say he’s bringin’ in the, uh, the wine. Cavaliers wine. What’s that even mean?
- That Allen fella, they might swap him out.
- They need someone who can play good with both Allen and Mobley.
- Someone big and strong, you know?
- Like a good workhorse.
They need a fella who can work with both of them other fellas, that Allen and that Mobley. Someone who’s, well, versatile, I think that’s what them fancy folks call it. Someone who can do a little bit of everything. Like a good mule, strong and steady. That’s what this Cavs trading needs. A good mule to pull their wagon.

This whole thing, it’s just a big mess, if you ask me. But what do I know? I’m just an old lady watchin’ it all go down. I ain’t got no say in it. I just hope them boys figure it out. They need to play better, that’s all I know. They need to win some games. Otherwise, folks are gonna be mighty disappointed. And nobody wants that. Especially that Dan Gilbert fella with all his money.
Cavs trading, it’s all anyone can talk about. Like the price of eggs or the weather. It’s always somethin’. But this year, it feels different. Like somethin’ big is gonna happen. I can feel it in my bones. This ain’t gonna be no ordinary trade season. No sir. This is gonna be one for the books. You just wait and see. You just wait and see.
Them Cavaliers, they got a lot of thinkin’ to do. A lot of decidin’. And not a whole lot of time to do it in. December 6th, that’s what they say. Tick-tock, tick-tock. Time’s a-wastin’. They better get a move on, or they’re gonna be left behind. This Cavs trading talk needs to turn into action.
I hope they figure it all out. They need to make them changes. Get some new players, maybe. Or maybe just get them current players to play better. Whatever it is, they gotta do somethin’. This town, it needs a winnin’ team. And right now, them Cavaliers ain’t exactly bringin’ home the bacon, you know what I mean?
I seen a lot of things in my time, and I know one thing for sure: you can’t stand still. You gotta keep movin’, keep changin’, keep growin’. Otherwise, you get left behind. And that’s the last thing them Cavaliers need right now. They need to get ahead of this Cavs trading, not be left behind by it.

Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about that. My old bones are tired, and I need to get back to my knittin’. But you mark my words, this Cavs trading business, it ain’t over yet. Not by a long shot.