So, I got this idea to try and predict how the Cubs will do this season. I’m not a pro or anything, just a guy who likes baseball and thought it would be fun to put my thoughts down.

Cubs Prediction: Heres How They Can Improve Their Roster

First thing I did was to look at how the team did last year. They had some great games, but also some not-so-great ones. I looked up their wins, losses, all that stuff. It took a bit of time, but it was kind of interesting to see the patterns and whatnot.

Then, I started looking at the players. Who’s new this year? Who left? I made a list of the players and tried to guess how well they would do. Some I think will be real stars, others, well, we’ll see.

I tried to keep in mind that players can get hurt, or they might have a bad day sometimes. It happens. I tried to factor that in, but obviously, I can’t know for sure.

  • Made a list of players.
  • Compared to last year’s performance.
  • Considered possible injuries and slumps.

After that, I looked at the Cubs’ schedule. Who are they playing against? Some teams are stronger than others, so I tried to guess how the Cubs would do in each game.

I marked down my predictions for each game, win or loss. It was kind of like putting together a puzzle. I kept going back and changing things as I thought more about it.

Cubs Prediction: Heres How They Can Improve Their Roster

Putting It All Together

Finally, I added up all my predicted wins and losses. It took a while, and I had to double-check my math a few times, but I finally got a number.

It was a fun little project. It’s just my guess, of course. I’m not saying I’m some kind of expert. But it was cool to think about how the season might go.

And hey, maybe I’ll be right! Or maybe I’ll be way off. Either way, it was a fun way to think about the upcoming season and get excited about baseball again. Let’s see what happens!


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