Today, I want to share a little trick I learned about that game, Aetherium Wars. It’s been a real time-sink, but in a good way, you know? I mean, I’ve sunk like nine or ten hours into it already, and I haven’t even skipped any of the dialogue!

Hook Aetherum Wars for Newbies: Your Guide to Mastering the Game!

So, the first thing I did was finish up that Future Market quest. Once that was done, bam, the Aetherium Wars quest popped up. The game is filled with puzzles, too, so it’s not just mindless button-mashing. Anyway, I headed over to the Old Weapon Testing Ground Area and found this Aetherium Wars Terminal Table. That’s where I met this guy, Barrie. We chatted for a bit, and he gave me the lowdown on the game. Plus, he hooked me up with some sweet player benefits like Auto-Repair and Sudden Evasion, both Expansion Chips.

Then I stumbled upon this “Aetherium Wars Secret Guild Guide” supposedly left by someone called Pitch-Dark Hook the Great. Sounds kinda cheesy, but hey, I figured, why not? The guide talked about picking Aether Spirits. There is also another guide from Hook for how to win the duel with her.

But here’s where it got interesting. There’s this character, Hook, and she’s apparently a tough cookie in the Final Showdown of Aetherium Wars. I did some digging, and it turns out there are strategies to beat her. I had to start focusing on those Imaginary Weavers first. They’re these annoying little things that can take a bunch of turns and deal a good chunk of damage. Then I had to move on to the Automaton Grizzly’s summoned buddies, the Automaton Spiders. After cleaning up the spiders, I could finally focus on the Grizzly itself.

The key to taking down Hook, from what I gathered, is to outlast her. You gotta have a team that can heal up and keep themselves going through a long fight. Some brute strength on your side wouldn’t hurt, either. Another guide told me to take out the Frigid Prowler after I’ve vanquished the Searing one.

  • Step 1: Finished the Future Market quest.
  • Step 2: Talked to Barrie at the Aetherium Wars Terminal Table.
  • Step 3: Got Auto-Repair and Sudden Evasion.
  • Step 4: Found the Secret Guild Guide by Pitch-Dark Hook the Great.
  • Step 5: Learned about strategies to beat Hook in the Final Showdown.
  • Step 6: Focus on the Imaginary Weavers first, then the Automaton Spiders, then the Grizzly.
  • Step 7: Build a team that can heal and sustain through a long battle.
  • Step 8: Take out the Frigid Prowler after you’ve vanquished the Searing one.

It’s not exactly rocket science, but it’s a start. I’m still figuring things out, but I thought I’d share my progress so far. Maybe it’ll help some of you other Aetherium Wars addicts out there.

Hook Aetherum Wars for Newbies: Your Guide to Mastering the Game!

Alright, that’s all from me for now. I’m gonna jump back into the game and see if I can put this plan into action. Wish me luck!


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