Today I was watching the Hero World Challenge and noticed that Collin Morikawa got hit with a two-stroke penalty. What a bummer, right? It got me thinking, though. Even the pros mess up sometimes, and it made me want to try something new with my own golf game.

So, I grabbed a notebook and started jotting down notes about each hole before I even teed off. Like, where the trouble spots were, what club I was thinking of using, and where I wanted to land my shots. Just really getting a game plan together, you know?
It felt kind of weird at first, to be honest. I’m usually more of a “grip it and rip it” kind of guy. But I stuck with it, and made sure to document every detail that I could think of during the game, like wind direction, green conditions, the slope of the fairways, everything.
I played a round at my local course, using the notes as my guide. And you know what? It actually helped! I mean, I wasn’t suddenly shooting under par or anything, but I definitely felt more in control and more aware of what I was doing on each shot.
After the round, I reviewed my notes and compared them to what actually happened on the course. Noticed some discrepancies, of course, but it was a good learning experience. Like, there was this one par 4 where I thought I could carry the water, but my notes said I should play it safe. I went for it anyway and ended up in the drink. So, lesson learned, right? Trust the notes!
Here’s what I found out:
- Taking notes before and during the round really makes you think more strategically.
- It’s a good way to learn from your mistakes and improve your course management.
- It’s kind of fun to look back at your notes and see how your plan matched up with reality.
I’m definitely going to keep doing this. It’s like having a little caddy in your pocket, giving you advice. And hey, if it can help me avoid penalties like Morikawa, then that’s a win in my book! I highly recommend you guys try it out sometime and just write down your thoughts before and during a round of golf. It’s a fun experience, and who knows, maybe we’ll all become better golfers in the process!