This Once Human game, I tell ya, it’s somethin’ else. My grandson, he’s always playin’ it. He was yellin’ about some Forgotten Monolith thing the other day. Said he needed to find it. Sounded mighty important, like findin’ a needle in a haystack, you know?

Once Human Forgotten Monolith Guide: A Complete Walkthrough of This Enormous Structure in the Game

He kept sayin’ it’s in this place called Red Sands. Red Sands, what in the tarnation is that? Sounds like a place you’d get all dusty and dirty. He showed me on his computer, and it looked all brown and dry. Not like our green fields ’round here, that’s for sure. He was pointin’ at some numbers, sayin’ they were “coordinates”. Said the Forgotten Monolith was at 1933 somethin’ or other. I don’t know nothin’ about no coordinates. Back in my day, we just used landmarks. Like, “Go past old man Johnson’s barn, then turn left at the big oak tree.” Simple, see?

This Forgotten Monolith in Once Human, it seems like a big deal. He said you gotta “leave a whisper” there. What’s that even mean? Is it like leavin’ a note? He was goin’ on about some “seasonal goals”. Sounds like a bunch of chores to me. We got enough chores to do around the farm without addin’ in pretend ones from some game. But, you know these young folks, always glued to their screens.

I heard him talkin’ to his friends online, sayin’ this Forgotten Monolith place, or maybe it’s called Forsaken Monolith, who knows. They say you can get some good stuff there. Weapons and armor and such. Sounds dangerous to me. Why would you want to go to a place like that? Back in my day, we didn’t have no fancy weapons. Just a good ol’ pitchfork to keep the critters away. And armor? What’s that for? Just wear a good thick coat in the winter, that’s all you need. He was going on about farming acid too. What a strange thing to do.

  • Go to Red Sands, I guess.
  • Look for this Forgotten Monolith thing.
  • Leave a whisper? Whatever that is.
  • Get some weapons and armor, if you’re into that.
  • Farm acid. No thank you.

He was sayin’ somethin’ about this Forgotten Monolith bein’ all the way over to the west. West of what, I don’t know. The world’s a big place. And these numbers again, 1933, -1486. I swear, these kids and their numbers. They make my head spin. He said it’s important for high-level loot or something. He’s always talking about levels in this game. Like everything is a contest to get higher and higher. And farming. He farms for hours in that game, looking for resources, whatever that means.

This whole Once Human Forgotten Monolith business sounds like a lot of fuss for nothin’, if you ask me. But I guess it keeps him outta trouble. Better than runnin’ around in the streets, I suppose. Still, I wish he’d spend more time outside. Get some fresh air, you know? There’s a whole world out there beyond that computer screen. A world with real things, not just made-up ones.

Once Human Forgotten Monolith Guide: A Complete Walkthrough of This Enormous Structure in the Game

I asked him, “Why do you need to find this Forgotten Monolith so bad?” He said it was important for the game. Said he needed to “progress”. Progress to what, I wonder? Just more of the same, I reckon. He said it was part of the “late game”. Sounds like it takes a long time to get to this point. Too much time, if you ask me. It’s important to get the Once Human Forgotten Monolith whisper done.

He tried to explain it to me, but it all sounded like gibberish. This Forgotten Monolith, Red Sands, whispers, seasonal goals… it’s all too much for this old brain. I just nod and smile and try to look like I understand. He’s a good boy, though. Just a little too caught up in that game, that’s all. Maybe one day he’ll figure out there’s more to life than this Forgotten Monolith.

Anyways, I gotta go. The cows ain’t gonna milk themselves. And unlike this Once Human game, that’s somethin’ that actually needs to get done. I hope my boy gets his whisper done soon. He keeps saying he needs to find this place called Forgotten Monolith.


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