Well, I heard some young’uns talking ’bout this thing, freerunning mtg, the other day. Sounds like a whole lotta somethin’, don’t it? Seems like it’s got somethin’ to do with that card game, Magic: The Gathering. My grandson, bless his heart, he’s always goin’ on about it. This freerunning thing, it’s like a shortcut, I reckon. Like skippin’ through ol’ man Hemlock’s cornfield ‘stead of walkin’ all the way ’round.

From what I gather, you gotta have these fellas called “Assassins” or your “commander” in this Magic game. Now, if one of them hits the other player, bam! You get to do this freerunning. It’s like sayin’, “I hit ya, so now I get a discount!” It ain’t stealin’, mind you, it’s just a rule in this here game. They say it’s a “new mechanic.” Sounds fancy, but it just means a new way to play, I guess. Some folks call it a new way to get these costs down and you can get these cards out if you hit that player earlier in the turn. It’s like a little reward for doin’ well.
- You gotta have an Assassin or your commander.
- They gotta hit the other player.
- Then you get to “freerun” and cast your spell cheaper.
Now, these Assassin’s Creed cards, they’re a new bunch, I hear. They got this “ACR” thing on ’em. You can use ’em in some of the games, like “Modern” and “Commander.” Sounds complicated, but I guess if you’re into that sort of thing, it’s important. My grandson, he spends hours lookin’ at these cards. Says they’re worth somethin’. I tell him, “Boy, you better be spendin’ that time on your chores!” But he just smiles and goes back to his cards.
This whole freerunning mtg thing is just one part of it. They got all sorts of rules and ways to play. “Combat,” “priority,” “turns,” somethin’ called “steps” and “phases”. It’s like a whole ‘nother language. But the young’uns, they seem to get it. They got these “tournaments” and everything. Playin’ for prizes, I hear. Back in my day, we just played for bragging rights. And maybe a piece of pie if Grandma made one.
They even got this thing called “MTGO.” It’s like playin’ this Magic game on the computer. My grandson, he showed me once. A whole bunch of windows poppin’ up, cards movin’ around. Gave me a headache. But he loves it. Says he can play with folks from all over the world. Imagine that! Back in my day, the only way you played cards with someone far away was if you took a train ride. This freerunning is just a part of that computer game, just like the real cards.
I don’t rightly understand all of it, but it seems like this freerunning mtg thing is a big deal. It lets you play your cards faster, cheaper. Like gettin’ a deal at the general store. And these Assassin’s Creed cards, they’re special. Got their own rules and such. If you’re into that Magic game, I reckon you’ll wanna learn all about it. Just don’t forget your chores, like my grandson sometimes does!

They say this freerunning thing is “simple.” Well, maybe for them young’uns with their quick minds. Me, I’m happy just watchin’ the sunset from my porch. But I guess it’s good they got somethin’ to keep ’em busy. Keeps ’em outta trouble, most of the time. This game got a lot of parts to it. You gotta get damage on a player with your commander or an assassin and then, you know, you get to do the freerunning thing.
This whole MTG thing, it’s got a lot of these “mechanics” they call ’em. Different ways to play, different rules for different cards. It’s like a whole world in itself. It is real deep like, if you like that kind of stuff, but it is also hard to learn at first. There are lots of rules and lots of different ways to play the game. They make new cards all the time with new things. This freerunning thing is just one of many. Like I said, it seems to come down to hitting someone with your guy, and getting to get those cards out for cheap.
I remember when my grandson first started playin’. He was just a little tyke. Now he’s teachin’ me about these things. Time flies, don’t it? He’s always tryin’ to get me to play, but I tell him, “Honey, these old bones are tired. You go on and have your fun.” Maybe one day I’ll give it a try. Just to see what all the fuss is about.
These young folks and their games. Always somethin’ new. Back in my day, we had marbles and jacks. Simple things. But I guess times change. You gotta keep up, or you get left behind. Even if it’s just learnin’ about this freerunning mtg thing. It is a good deal if you can get it to work, though. I mean, who doesn’t like a discount? I reckon everyone does.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about this freerunning mtg business. It’s a lot to take in, I know. But if you’re interested in that Magic game, I reckon it’s worth lookin’ into. Just remember what I said: It’s all about hittin’ the other player with your Assassin or commander, and then you get to play your cards cheaper. Sounds like a good deal to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear my grandson callin’. He probably wants to tell me all about his latest Magic game. Kids these days!