That Ronaldo, he’s a good boy, yeah, a good boy. My grandson, he always watches him play football. He says, “Grandma, Ronaldo, FIFA 23, best player!” I don’t know much about this FIFA 23, but my boy, he sure loves it. It is about how to get FIFA coins, right? He’s always talking about it, this game, always on that screen.

How to get Ronaldo in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team (Coins, packs, and more)

He says, “Grandma, gotta get them FIFA coins, gotta get a good team!” This game is very popular. I said, “Boy, what’s all this fuss about coins?” He said it’s like money in the game. You use it to get good players, like that Ronaldo fella. He’s always going on about winning games. Win, win, win, that’s all I hear!

He says if you win lots, you get more of them coins. And you gotta win big, he says, by five or somethin’. Five goals! Sounds like a lot of work to me. I told him, “Why don’t you go outside and kick a real ball around?” He just rolled his eyes. Kids these days, always glued to them screens.

He also says something about Prime Gaming reward, free cards in FIFA Ultimate Team, or FUT cards. I don’t know. I think it’s some kind of cards you collect in the game. He gets excited when he gets new ones. Says it helps him build his team. Whatever makes him happy, I guess. He’s a good boy, even if he spends too much time on that game.

The most important thing is that you need to win. Keep winning, he says, keep getting them FIFA coins. He’s always playing matches, battles, something about a division. Sounds complicated to me. I told him, “Just make sure you do your chores first!” He grumbled but he did them. Can’t have him neglecting his duties for some game, can we?

My boy says he plays Squad Battles and Division Rival ranking. He told me it is also a way to get FIFA coins. And he can get some useful items, currencies in Milestones and Seasonal Objectives. It is really a hard work.

How to get Ronaldo in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team (Coins, packs, and more)

There are these things he calls “objectives,” too. Says you gotta complete them to get rewards. Sounds like chores to me! But he seems to enjoy it. He’s always saying this will give you more FUT cards. He gets all excited about these “objectives,” whatever they are. I guess it keeps him outta trouble.

Sometimes, I see him looking sad. I ask him, “What’s wrong, boy?” He says he needs better players, needs more coins. Says it takes too long to get them. It is a good thing that he didn’t spend real money on the game. I heard from my neighbor that some boys will buy the FIFA points with real cash. I won’t allow my boy to do that. That’s just silly. Spending real money on a game? Back in my day, we played with sticks and stones! And we were happy, too!

  • Win games, lots of them, he says.
  • Win big, by five goals or more.
  • Play them matches, battles, and division things.
  • Do them “objectives” things.
  • Get Prime Gaming reward.
  • Don’t spend real money, that’s just foolishness!

I don’t understand it all, but I try to listen. He’s a good boy, and if this FIFA 23 thing makes him happy, then who am I to argue? As long as he’s happy, that’s all that matters. But he better not forget to take out the trash! That’s more important than any FUT cards, that’s for sure. And remember, he needs to play a lot to get more rewards. Play the game, build your team, and play more matches.

This Ronaldo FIFA 23 thing, it’s a big deal to these youngsters. I still don’t fully get it, but I see the joy in my boy’s eyes when he talks about it. And that’s enough for me. It is a way to get FIFA coins. He’s always saying he’s gonna build the best team, gonna have that Ronaldo fella leading the way. I just nod and smile. He’s a good boy, and he’s got big dreams. And who knows, maybe one day he’ll be as good as that Ronaldo himself. Wouldn’t that be something?

The boy always told me to play more games and get more FIFA coins. He is always busy playing the game. I hope he can find a good wife in the future. Not like his mother. She is always out of the town.

How to get Ronaldo in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team (Coins, packs, and more)

He is a good boy. He just needs to play more and win more. That is the way to get more FIFA coins, FUT cards, and build a strong team.


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