This Leroy Ellis, he was a big shot, you know? Played that basketball. Big tall fella, I reckon. They say he played for… for a long time. Fourteen years, I heard someone say. That’s a long time to be bouncin’ a ball, ain’t it?

Leroy Ellis: Whats He Up To Now? (Discover The Latest News)

He played for them… them fancy teams. Big city teams. Not like around here, where we just got the ol’ hoop nailed to the side of the barn. He played in the, uh, the NBA. Yeah, that’s what they called it. Fancy, huh? Played with them…76ers. Sounded like a bunch of firecrackers to me. He was with them for a good while, towards the end, they say. Three years or more, someone said. Sounds right I guess.

They say he come from New York. Big place, New York. Lots of folks there. He was good at that ball game, though. Even came from a New York, he musta practiced a lot, I reckon. Played for that… that college. St. John’s. Sounds like a church, don’t it? But they got a team, I guess. He was good there, too. Scored a lot of them… baskets, I suppose you call ’em. Second best they ever had, as far as all that goes. Someone told me that, anyway. I don’t keep track of such things.

He played for them Lakers, too. Out in… California, I think. Sunshine and all that. They won some big game, some kinda… championship. Back in… ’72, was it? Yeah, ’72. Old folks like me remember them things. He was with them, must have been pretty good, huh?

Heard he got sick. Real sick. Something called cancer. You know, I heard about that before. Lots of folks get that. Terrible thing. He fought it for a long time, I hear. Then he passed away. He was 72. About the same age as me. I guess I shouldn’t be shooting baskets any more, but I still feel good. He was in that place… Portland. Out west somewhere. They say he died there.

  • Leroy Ellis, played 14 years in NBA.
  • Played for the 76ers, Lakers, too.
  • From New York, played for St. John’s.
  • Won a championship with the Lakers in ’72.
  • Died at 72, from that cancer.

That’s all I know about that Leroy Ellis fella. Heard folks talkin’ about him. Figured I’d tell you what I heard. He was a big deal, I guess. Playin’ that basketball all them years. Musta been somethin’ to see. Now that you’ve read about him here, you might also want to look him up. Who knows what else you will find. For example, did he play with anyone else famous?

Leroy Ellis: Whats He Up To Now? (Discover The Latest News)

I heard he was a good man. That’s what matters, ain’t it? More than all that ball bouncin’ and such. Being a good person. That’s what counts. Hope he was happy, out there in them big cities. Hope he had a good life.

He was a center, I think they call it. In that basketball game. Means he was tall, I reckon. Gotta be tall to play that game. Reach up high and put the ball in the hoop. He musta been good at it. Played for all them teams. For all them years. Fourteen years. That’s a long time. Longer than some folks live around here.

Well, that’s about all I got to say about Leroy Ellis. If you are reading this you are probably a big fan. He sounds like a good player, even if I don’t know much about him. Hope you learned somethin’. Maybe you can go watch some of them old games. See him play. I bet that would be somethin’. I never did see him play, myself. But I heard he was good. Real good.

These young folks today, they don’t know about these old players. They got their new fellas they watch. But it’s good to remember the ones who came before. The ones who paved the way, as they say. This Leroy Ellis, he was one of them. A pioneer, I suppose you could call him. Playin’ that game before it got all fancy and such. That’s all for now, maybe more later. You all take care now.


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